
Home - Plans

Pricing Plan_______


Our investment packages are designed with profitabilty and accountability in mind.

Prime plan

Minimum deposit: $100.00

ROI: 20% every 48 hours

Standard plan

Minimum deposit: $1,600.00

ROI: 25% every 48 hours

Gold plan

Minimum deposit: $5100.00

ROI: 40% every 48 hours

Platinum plan

Minimum deposit: $10,000.00

ROI: 50% every 48 hours


Minimum deposit: $30,000.00

ROI: 25% Weekly

ETF & Mutual funds

Minimum deposit: $10,000.00

ROI: 55% every two weeks

Real estate

Minimum deposit: $30,000.00

ROI: 75% biweekly (85% if reinvested for 3 months without withdrawal)

Merger account

Minimum deposit: $50,000.00

ROI: 90% biweekly (100% If reinvested for 3 months without withdrawal)

Immigration plan

ROI: 75% ROI biweekly

Minimum deposit: $25,000.00